
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Bernie's Random Ramblings // September Highlights

Welcome to Bernie's Random Ramblings
Today I thought I'd do another September Highlights.
Firstly, I can't believe September is already gone.
I'm happy though!

1. Me and my friends finished our movie.
We've been making a mystery movie these days. Every Tuesday we meet at the library and shoot it. It's really fun because we can make really funny personalities for all of our characters. I'm Director Bernie. Sup. Now that we've finished that 20 minute movie we're doing a prequel which is around 20 minutes long. We haven't finished it though. We could have a show!
2. My family went to the Apple Festival.
Every year we go to the apple festival with all our mom's family. It's super fun to go on the rides, hang with our grandma and grandpa, and go to the parade. This year we had to babysit some kids so we got to go to the parade with them and take them on rides. I got to go on the dumbo ride. I was a flying elephant. :P It was super fun! I also went on a ride that took you upside down. Very fun also :P
3. Play Behold our God on the guitar.
We've been doing guitar for about a month and now we're playing Behold our God. So far we've learned the G, A, C, D7, D, EM, and F. It's very fun. I love playing guitar because I can praise God and also be doing something else. Like playing the guitar and singing to God. :)
4. I got a 92% on my biology test!
Yay! My first test and I was very satisfied with my score. Tomorrow I have another one that I'm a little tiny bit worried about. I can do it though! ;) I enjoyed this chapter because we talked a lot about bacteria. That was fun.
5. Enjoying church history.
This class has been so fun! I love it. I'm dying this week because we don't have a class this week.
6. Getting really close to doing my backhandspring by myself.
Right now I just need to work on not being nervous when I do a backhandspring by myself because when I'm nervous I don't think about doing my backhandspring right. I can do it though. I'm really excited. I THINK in a couple weeks I'll have it by myself. Hopefully. Please pray!
6. Went on a mission trip!
I'm excited about this one! This week we went to a Children's home with my youth group. It was very fun! I'll have to do another post about it. Basically we did weed eating for them and also made fleece blankets for the girls. We also did a special service for them. Anyway, you can hear about it soon. STAY TUNED!! :P
7. This isn't a highlight because I wanted glasses (reading glasses) but we went to the eye doctor and I don't need glasses.
I love glasses because I look good in them. Even the girl said, "I owned those glasses." :P I'm going to buy myself some fake glasses cause I won't too. Don't judge. The girl said me and my mom should be glasses models. I'm looking into it. You don't know how much times I work on my smile in the bathroom. :P lol
8. I wore a long sleeve shirt!
yay! It's finally getting cool out. :) YAY FALL!

9. We've been staying up late!

October Highlights
1. Get up earlier. September Highlight 9 is still gonna happen though.
2. Get my roundoff backhandspring.
3. Drink apple cider!
4. Go to more high school football games.

yay! hope you liked!

my dad said I should say bouncing out to say bye, but I like bouncing in. what do you think?

bouncing in to say bye,

Friday, September 23, 2016

What I Like About the Song He Will Hold Me Fast.

Welcome to Good Apples Friday
Today I'm sharing a song that we sing at church a lot.
It's called He Will Hold me Fast.

When I fear my faith will fail,
Christ will hold me fast;
When the tempter would prevail,
He can hold me fast.


He will hold me fast,
He will hold me fast;
For my Savior loves me so,
He will hold me fast.

I could never keep my hold,
He will hold me fast;
For my love is often cold,
He must hold me fast.


I am precious in His sight,
He will hold me fast;
Those He saves are His delight.
He will hold me fast.


He’ll not let my soul be lost,
Christ will hold me fast;
Bought by Him at such a cost,
He will hold me fast.


I love this song because it's so comforting.
When we go through trials.
He will hold us fast.
He'll never let go.

I love the verse, "Oh my Savoir loves me so,"
It's so awesome to know that God loves you.

Remember to know what God is holding you.
You don't have to be afraid.

bouncing in to say bye,

P.S. Sorry about not posting Tuesday. I'm losing ideas for Bernie's Random Ramblings.

P.P.S. Please be praying for our youth group. We are going to a mission trip this weekend. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

What I Like About The Song Behold Our God

Welcome to Good Apples Friday
Today I wanted to share the lyrics of Behold our God.

Who has held the oceans in His hands?
Who has numbered every grain of sand?
Kings and nations tremble at His voice
All creation rises to rejoice

CHORUSBehold our God seated on His throne
Come let us adore Him
Behold our King nothing can compare
Come let us adore Him!

VERSE 2 Who has given counsel to the Lord?
Who can question any of His Words?
Who can teach the One who knows all things?
Who can fathom all His wondrous deeds?

CHORUSBehold our God seated on His throne
Come let us adore Him
Behold our King nothing can compare
Come let us adore Him!

VERSE 3Who has felt the nails upon His hands
Bearing all the guilt of sinful man?
God eternal humbled to the grave
Jesus, Savior risen now to reign!

CHORUSBehold our God seated on His throne
Come let us adore Him
Behold our King nothing can compare
Come let us adore Him!

 You will reign forever!
 Let Your glory fill the earth
You will reign forever!
 Let Your glory fill the earth
You will reign forever!
 Let Your glory fill the earth

I really like this song because it reminds us of how great God is.
How this God has our life in his hands.
So don't be afraid!

Psalms 42:4-5 says, "These things I remember
    as I pour out my soul:
how I used to go to the house of God
    under the protection of the Mighty One[d]
with shouts of joy and praise
    among the festive throng.
Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God."

Our God is awesome!
He conquered death.
He's got everything under control.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

History, Biology, and Gymnastics

I just realized how horrible my Bernie's Random Ramblings was so I went to update that.
Then, I really wanted to talk about my life. Cause it's been awesome.
So I decided to make a little my life post.

Last Thursday was our first church history class for the school year. My dad and our Pastor are teaching it. I knew it was going to be fun because all of our close church friends we're doing it. And it was! Our Pastor explains things really well. After the audio everyone was like "wait so what did I just hear?" and Pastor Ed helped us understand it by explaining it and helping us learn some new words. That was really fun. Everybody was doodling too. (one reason why I didn't understand the audio very well.) I don't usually doodle in class, but I was. Man, my handwriting was awesome that day.

Before the class I was talking to my friends. I told them, "I'm the kind of person who doesn't even answer the question who died for your sins. I know it Jesus, but I'm to shy to say it." So then after that I was answering ALL these questions in class. Which I think I was doing that because I was more comfortable about these people. It was still funny though.

I also did my biology test today. In this test I needed to memorize these really long and complicated words. What was hard about it was I had to memorize the definition. I know that sounds dumb, but my family has always done spelling where you say the definition and we say the word to the definition. So that was something new to me. Anywho, I think I did okay..... I had to guess for two of the questions. Sarah, who's already done this class looked over my answers after I took my test and told me some things I might've got wrong. So, I'm pretty comfident about it. Hopefully I get a good grade though.

These past few weekends it's  been really nice out. Of course we like to take advantage of that by going outside. Basically, we grill out. Eat outside. Play games with each other. Then just hang around outside doing what we want. I like to play on my balance beam and my mat. I do workouts on it, gymnastics games, and fun stuff. A couple days ago my brother joined me. We did balance beam competitions. Of course we're horrible and we make up rules so we said that you can have 10 retries. yeah our balance wasn't so good that day.

Speaking of gymnastics......IM SO EXCITED. Yesterday I had my gymnastics class. I wasn't there last week because of my back and my it was still hurting a little bit, but I decided to go. I was super nervous coming in there thinking that I would start hurting. I was fine though. I never hurt and I could do my skills just like normal. I was so happy! We got to do backhandsprings (my favorite). I'm so excited because I've getting better at my backhandsprings. I'm starting to get the feeling of it. First when we started the coach said, "okay let's just do roundoffs." I was sad because I wanted to do roundoff backhandsprings. Later then he said you can do them now. I was so excited. A couple weeks ago I was doing a roundoff, stop, and then do a backhandspring, but it's supposed to be connected. I'm finally getting to connect those better. And it makes me happy! So there's my gymnastics talk that I've been dying to tell everybody.

I was really excited about this week because I was going to be busy. WHO LIKES BUSY? ME. On Monday we had our girls bible study. Tuesday was piano and gym. Today was guitar and Wednesday night meals at church. Tomorrow is biology and history class. Friday is going to our apple festival. Saturday is going to the apple festival parade and hanging out there with our family. We're also taking these little kids there to because we're babysitting them. So, I'm excited!

Tell me about your week.
Is there anything you're just dying to tell everybody about to? Tell meeeee!
What are some interesting things you learned this week?
And if you like gymnastics, TALK TO ME!

bouncing in to say bye,

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Bernie's Random Ramblings // Photography

Welcome to Bernie's Random Ramblings
this is a picture of our grill. duh I really didn't have to say that.

I've been trying and trying to take a good picture of this flowers and it never turned out good.
Finally I got it.

when you're waiting for your mom to pick you up from piano so you just take a picture of their beautiful flowers.

this cobbler guys was awesome.

a picture of my hair.

so my friends had a party where we ate brownies and sprite and watched spider man.
those brownies were really good too.

most all of these pictures are of food. lol

this is a picture of my chair, but it had a really cool look to it.

and this was Rudo when he was terrified of the thunderstorms going on.

I hope you enjoyed my photography.

I really have nothing to say.

But yayyy!

bouncing in to say bye,

Friday, September 9, 2016

Good Apples Friday // Catechism Questions

Welcome to Good Apples Friday
For my bible study I memorize catechism questions.
I really like these two I've been memorizing.

What is you only comfort in life in and death?
That I am not my own, but belong body and soul in life in death to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair from my head may fall without the will of the Father in heaven; in fact all things must work together for my salvation. Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit assures me of eternal life and makes me whole-heartedly willing and reading to live for Him.

I really like this whole thing, but I highlighted the words that I think are really important. I love how it says, "All things must work together for my salvation." That's so comforting to know. That God is in control and everything that happens in my life works together for my salvation.

What must you know to live and die in the joy of this comfort? 
Three things: How great my sin and misery are; how I am set free from all my sin and misery; and how I should thank God for such deliverance.

Again just the things I highlighted were some really important stuff. How GREAT MY sin and misery are. I am horrible. I am a horrible sinner. BUT, I am SET FREE FROM ALL my sin and misery. I am set free from ALL of that horrible stuff. And I SHOULD THANK GOD for that. Because he is so GOOD to me. So good. He died for me. He died for the the one who constantly disobeys him. He died for the girl who complains about lots of things when I don't deserve anything I have.


I hope you like this post and it helps you!
Remember to NEVER stop thanking God for the great things he has done.
Even if you're going through something horrible.
You're still breathing because of him.
You still have food because of him.
You still have clothes because of him.

Remember that.

Please give me some feedback. I'd love to hear from you awesome people.

bouncing in to say bye,

P.S. I'm starting to lose ideas for Good Apples Friday and Bernie's Random Ramblings. If you could give me some suggestions that'd be awesome. Thanks guysss!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Bernie's Random Ramblings // Gymnastics!

Welcome to Bernie's Random Ramblings
Hey everyone!
Today I sat here wondering what to write about and I thought of gymnastics.
Basically, I'll be writing about how I started and what I'm doing now.

I started getting interested in gymnastics about a year ago. I became interested because I watched a lot of Youtube videos and a channel I started watching was a gymnastics related channel. I found some videos on Youtube and started learning simple skills like handstands and cartwheels. One thing I love to do is take pictures of my handstands behind a lake, just in my living room, or at the zoo.

A skill I learned early this year was a roundoff. It's a pretty easy skill, but super important because gymnasts use that skill in everything. One day I was just practicing in the house and I got my roundoff. Once I got it, I JUMPED IN THE AIR. I did tons of roundoffs after that. Then, a month ago I learned I was doing it wrong. It was a little hard learning the right way to do it, but I got it now. A lot of skills like cartwheels and handstands when you're done you are facing the same direction you started in. A roundoff is different because you do a twist so you are now facing the opposite direction you started in. If you are facing the other direction you can do back flips. That's why roundoffs are used a lot. I hope that's not confusing. It sounds like a hard skill, but it's actually not. You just have to run into a handstand and once your hands are on the floor you PUSH your arms UP and then your legs land at the same time. When you push up, your body does a twist that makes you land in a different direction.

Handstand are cool because you can always work on them. Once you get the standard one you can do a handstand while splitting your legs. There are other skills like double stagger, single stagger, or a scorpion that you can do, but it's a lot harder. You can also practice walking in a handstand. It's a easy skill, but very fun. I can do a hundred thousand of those a day and I'll never get bored.

Okey dokey. In order to do these gymnastics skills it's VERY IMPORTANT to exercise to make your body strong. One time I was trying to do a front limber. Basically that a handstand then go into a bridge then get up from the bridge . A friend told me to not be so focused on getting my arms up, but lifting my hips up. In order to do that I needed a lot of ab strength. Everyday I did 60 crunches in two sets. In about a month I got it. My point is: if you exercise you can build up your muscles to accomplish these skills. So exercise guys! Who out here is a exercise freak like me? My enthusiasim for exercising has encouraged my brother and dad to start running with me. My sister and our friends participate in Bernie's Fitness Club (my fitness club;P). I just love doing exercises!

Right now, I'm working on a backhandspring. Basically a backhandspring is a back flip but you use you hands to lift you up. A back flip is with no hands, but a backhandspring is with your hands. I haven't done it successfully yet by myself, but I'm going to get it soon. I've had some fails, but it's okay. Last week I was at gym and I was doing roundoff backhandsprings. THAT WAS FUN. With a spotter, but still. IT WAS AWESOME. I'm also working on a front handspring. You go into a handstand and once your hands hit the ground REALLY LIFT your arm and arch your back. It's really fun. A couple weeks ago I was really bad at it, but last week I got A LOT of practice at an open gym. I was doing so much better. Then, I did it in front of my coaches. I could see he was expecting me to not be so well, but I was like, "I got this." It was pretty awesome!

So, right now I should be at my gym class, but unfortunately I'm not. My back has been hurting me for about a week. And we're talking to a friend about it. He told us some things I was doing that might hurt it. I skipped my class tonight because arching my back hurts it. Please pray that I get better. I can still do some gymnastics, but it's hard not to be able to do everything. I know this is all part of God's plan though!

If you'd like to hear more tell me!
Any specific things you'd like for me to talk about, I'd LOVE to hear!

Are you an exercising freak?
Can you do a handstand?
If not, are you maybe gonna learn?

bouncing in to say bye,

Friday, September 2, 2016

Praying for Others // And a Special Announcement!

Welcome to Good Apples Friday!

Today I'd like to encourage you to pray for others this week.
After a long day of gymnastics on Tuesday my back and legs starting hurting me.
It made me kinda mad because I couldn't do any gymnastics that whole day.
I still haven't totally recovered from my back hurting when I do flips.
Whenever I asked God for me to feel better I felt bad.
There are a lot of other people out there hurting way more than me.
For me to selfishly pray for myself to get better so I can do gymnastics asap.
I could've been praying for little kids who can't even walk.
People who don't even know what it's like to run and play.
I'm not saying that praying for yourself is bad.
I'm just saying before you go and pray to God about yourself, pray for others.
Thank God for your feet, legs, arms, neck, and whole body that you can use.

I was really convicted by that this week when we visited a friend from church.
A lot of the time we were talking they were talking about their back hurting, getting surgery, and all kind of hurt they have to go through. That made me so sad. Every night I've been praying for them asking God to help them.

It says in the Bible,

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Philippians 4:6

I'm not saying don't ask God to help you feel better.
I'm just saying maybe before you think about yourself, think about others.

If you have any prayer requests I'd love to hear them.
Please comment them down below.

Thanks for reading!

bouncing in to say bye,

P.S. Before I leave I will announce the winner of my summer giveaway!
Thanks Courtney for letting me have this giveaway!
And the handler of this beautiful watercolor card set is...............

Congrats Allie!
Thanks to everyone who entered.