look at that adorable face. AHH. he looks so worried though.
that's our smiley face water tower that we live by :)
Well it's kinda been a long time since I've posted. Dudes, everybody's getting sick these days.So for about 2 weeks our family has been taking turns getting all sick and bleh. And for 2 weeks I've just had a mild cold. But then Monday I got a headache and stuffy nose. Today it's getting better, but still music, math, and biology make it hurt. Anywho, I'm here. yayyyyy :D
Anywho, last Tuesday we started school after about 2 weeks off. It seemed a LOT longer. I was pretty excited to start and get back in the schedule, but then came a snow storm which made us stay in the house for two whole days. TWO WHOLE DAYS. Lol I'm used to always getting out. So, that was big. Although the snow was pretty, there wasn't enough to play in so I was just stuck in the house. Currently, school isn't bad, I was just spoiled of doing whatever I want, whenever I want, and you can't be like that with school. It has to get finished.
Oh, and weather around here is pretty awesome. Sunday it was 5 degrees pretty much all day. AWESOMENESS. But then, Tuesday warmed up (like high 50's) and SUPER windy. We also got some rain. But this weekend we might have an ice storm. I'm pretty excited about that. I mean, as long as church isn't canceled. If there is snow to play in, I'm a happy girl. Who loves snow and total coldness? Cause if you do, fist bump. You're cool.
Also, enjoy the beautiful pictures of my dogs, cause they're adorable. The beagle is Rudo, he's our dog. The other dog is our piano teachers dog, Cooper. So yeah, they're cute.
I hope you enjoy my random life :)
Stay healthy.
bouncing in to say bye,